The rumor that the captain perishes with the ship is widely known. Most of us probably haven’t given the origin of this saying much thought. Is it just a saying? Is it a rule? In that case, how long has it existed? Most importantly, why was it even a tradition in the first place. There’s a lot to unravel here that most boaters are unaware of.
Traditionally, the captain must make sure that all passengers are safely evacuated before leaving the ship if it is sinking.
Let’s examine one of the darkest customs in maritime history.
A Maritime Tradition and Maritime Law
One thing worth knowing is that it is not a law that the captain “goes down” with the ship. This has never been expressly stated by any nation or authority. That implies that the captain must pass away on board. Nevertheless, there are regulations governing ship abandonment. Not all nations follow this, but some do. It is illegal to abandon a ship in countries like Greece, Spain, and Italy. A captain must adhere to requirements established by international law. Consequently, a captain is not required to remain on board under international law. However, that does not absolve them of responsibility.
According to customary international law, a captain has certain duties. They must operate under the principles of prudent seamanship. In order to practice prudent seamanship, they must take care of both the crew and the passengers. If they get off the ship, they can’t accomplish this.

161 countries abide by something known as the SOLAS convention. The acronym SOLAS stands for Safety of Life at Sea. The International Maritime Organization proposed it. The first iteration was created in 1914. In fact, it started happening after the Titanic sank.
The most recent SOLAS convention was approved in 1974. In this version it does not state the words “the captain must stay on board.” The ultimate authority on matters pertaining to the ship, however, is stated quite clearly. A captain must “proceed with all speed” to help any people in distress.
Every vessel is required to have an emergency plan, according to SOLAS. This plan needs to specify who is in charge of carrying out particular tasks in an emergency. There’s a chance that such a plan wouldn’t name the captain. Nevertheless, it’s unheard of for a captain to not bear ultimate responsibility. This is so that everyone knows that the captain has final say, as we already established.
The idea that a captain would leave a vessel before it is evacuated is essentially unheard of. In practice, there have been instances when this was the case, if not in theory. And as a result, those captains have also had to face repercussions.
The Origins of the Tradition
Clearly, the notion that the captain perishes with the ship was not first introduced by SOLAS. As we’ve already mentioned, it was a direct reaction to the Titanic. Furthermore, the Titanic’s captain was adhering to long-standing custom. What is the origin of that?
Sometime before the year 1180, The Rolls of Oleron were composed in France. These are the earliest documents on maritime law that we are aware of. For centuries, these were the rules a captain was expected to follow.
The document was written to establish rules for shipping in Medieval Europe. The French island of Oleron, where they were written, is where the name derives. This was the document that served as the foundation for all subsequent laws.
These laws at the time they were written covered international wine trade. For the ships that would be traveling up and down the coast, they needed a set of regulations. Consider transporting goods along a highway from Los Angeles to Seattle. There are no longer any traffic laws, though. To ensure the security of the cargo and the people shipping it, a procedure would need to be established.
The Rolls of Oleron had essentially become the law of Europe by 1364. A number of times over the years, the document was translated and modified. This made it possible for other nations to pass legislation based on it. It established a number of rules about maritime behavior including:
- The captain must consult his crew when the weather is bad while the ship is in port. He must follow the majority’s advice if some people think it looks safe and others think it looks bad.
- A pilot is obligated to make amends if their carelessness results in a ship’s cargo being lost or damaged. If not, he risked being put to death.
- When shipwrecked sailors arrive at the shore, the Lord of that land is to blame if they are attacked. He needs to make the assailants answerable. If the Lord had permitted the attack, he would have been set ablaze in his own house and the area would have been used as a pig and swine market.
As you can see, the laws then were a little more vivid. But it did establish a basis of basic behavior. Much of it dealt with preservation of both crew and cargo. There are rules about how and when a captain can throw cargo overboard to save a vessel in a storm. and others talking about attempting to protect that cargo
These laws eventually came to a logical conclusion. Someone had to be in charge if a ship, its crew, and its cargo were to be saved. Someone was waiting to make that call even if all hope had been lost. No matter what, the captain was always the last person to leave a ship because he was the one who had to lead it. In some cases, that also involved passing away.
In modern times “going down with the ship” has come to mean self sacrifice. A pointless one, frequently. You may frequently hear it used in the context of someone doing something they don’t need to do. or are even foolish to act in that way. To the point of death, you are loyal. And in truth, that’s not at all how the rule is meant to be applied. No need for the captain to pass away. In actuality, it’s preferable if the captain lives. That indicates that the decision to abandon the ship was successfully carried out, and everyone is still alive. The captain must be prepared to make the sacrifice, though, as that is the rule’s intent. He must be prepared to risk his own life to save others. Furthermore, it pertains to accepting full accountability for the crew and passengers.
How Regional Laws Change Things
There are additional laws to take into account depending on the country the ship is from. As we previously mentioned, nations like Italy have their own laws regarding a sinking ship. A captain risks serving two years in prison if he is not the last person to leave a ship, per Italian maritime law. If the ship is lost as a result of his abandonment, he could be sentenced to up to 8 years in prison. And if it was a ship that carries passengers, he faces 3 to 12 years.
No specific law prohibiting a captain from abandoning ship exists in the United States. It is possible for and does happen that other laws apply. A crime might be committed, for instance, if the captain abandons the ship while there are still passengers inside. The act of abandoning a ship is now regarded as manslaughter if people die. In essence, it claims that a captain killed someone due to carelessness. Even though they may not have intended for anyone to pass away, it is still their fault that it did. So in a roundabout way, it could be said that under US law, a captain must remain on board.
As you can imagine, this law doesn’t really come into play very often. A captain running from a sinking ship is not common. A captain was accused of manslaughter in the 19th century, which is one of the more recent instances. So not at all recently. There were only 22 decisions regarding manslaughter at sea between 1976 and 2012. A captain jumping ship wasn’t mentioned in any of them.
The Danger of a Sinking Ship
You don’t have to be a mariner to recognize the issues with a ship that is sinking. The possibility of dying is very high. Risques include the possibility of drowning, freezing, and getting lost at sea. They must be on board for the captain to fulfill his responsibility to ensure the security of the crew and passengers. How would anyone reasonably coordinate an evacuation from a lifeboat?
Being on board is essential, both morally and practically. Radio use by the captain is necessary. They must see the state of the ship, even if it is outside. They must personally check on everyone’s location. They also need to be aware of the state of the crew, the lifeboats, and other factors. A captain’s ability to act and the information available to them are both limited if they abandon ship.
Giving the Order to Abandon Ship
There are procedures to follow when leaving the ship. It can’t be taken lightly to order the ship to be abandoned. Rules must be followed when abandoning a ship. Before the order is given, a number of requirements must be satisfied.
- A fire is among the most hazardous events that can occur on a ship. Fire is deadly, whether it’s on the largest cruise ship or the smallest fishing boat. The command may be given if a fire has started and cannot be put out. This is especially true if access to fire extinguishers is restricted. At that point, decisive action needs to be made. The decision to abandon the ship is made to protect life. But until then, every effort should be made to put out the fire.
- Think about the Titanic once more as it is sinking. The hull of the ship was damaged after it struck an iceberg. There is no need at that point to consider options. That kind of damage cannot be repaired. The order to abandon a sinking vessel is the clear choice. If a commanding officer has no hope of saving the ship, then he or she has to try to save the people on board. It is impossible to save a ship that is already sinking.
- Capsizing or collision are two alternatives to sinking. Passengers and crew must be saved in these circumstances. The order to abandon the ship should be given. The process of getting everyone to safety can then be managed by the ship’s captain.
- The vessel needs to be examined if there was a collision or other accident. The Captain and the officers will have to decide. As you can imagine, there will be times when this must be done quickly. The Captain may issue an order for everyone to leave the ship if the damage is irreparable.
Capsizing Vs Sinking
Let’s clarify what it means for a ship to capsize or sink. The phrases are frequently used interchangeably. A captain may decide to abandon a ship for either of these two reasons. However, they are not the same thing.
A ship that has submerged completely in water is said to be sunken. It has submerged and sunk, so that means. Both shallow water and the open ocean are susceptible to this.
A boat that flips over may not necessarily sink. Instead, the boat might have become off-balance and rolled to one side or over. The request to leave the ship was reasonable. It is dangerous for people to stay on a capsized ship. A capsized ship may also eventually go down. It isn’t yet completely submerged and at the bottom of the water.
Can a Captain Leave An Abandoned Ship?
This is one of the tricky ways that this tradition has real world implications. Nobody has the right to claim that a ship’s captain must also perish. Just consider attempting to enact that into law. No one was dying if they didn’t have to even during the heyday of boating before airplanes existed. But the boat is and always will be the captain’s responsibility. That does have genuine legal ramifications. Owners of cargo on a ship have expectations.
Most captains of commercial ships, passenger ships, and so forth do not own their ships. However, they are in charge. Additionally, you must maintain it in good condition just like if you were operating a friend’s vehicle. You are responsible if you crash it. There are also many other factors to think about when dealing with a vessel. The captain is in charge of both the cargo’s value and the lives of the passengers.
Because the captain is responsible for the ship and everything on it, they can’t technically leave it. not comparable to what a passenger or crew member can. The captain does not, however, have to perish at sea. That would be just as useless as the captain running aground. In these terms, a cowardly captain serves about the same purpose as one who is deceased. Instead, a captain would have been expected to be responsible for the vessel and its crew.
The cargo would be unharmed once the ship has sunk. It would be, at least in part. The ship has now been salvaged. The captain has a responsibility to safeguard that for whoever appointed him captain. Any number of pirates or salvage seekers were interested in a sunken ship. So a captain needs to be aware of the ship’s sinking location. That will help with the efforts to get back and salvage what’s left, if possible.
The captain should be the last person to leave a vessel for all of this to function. They must make sure that everyone on board is considered, including their lives. As a result, the captain assists everyone in leaving the ship and then contributes in any way possible to the salvage effort. In any case, that is the ideal.
Captain Smith and the Titanic
Naturally, not every ship is going down without a hitch. And occasionally the captain actually sinks with the ship. The majority of people are aware of Captain Smith’s death during the Titanic’s sinking. Famously, he remained at his post as the ship sank.
Smith allegedly saved lives on the Titanic, according to some eyewitness accounts. He spent his time attempting to calm the passengers and assisting them in boarding the lifeboats and reaching safety. According to other accounts, he ruined the whole thing. Whatever the case, Smith was among the more than 1,500 people who perished when the Titanic sank. He did not abandon the ship and held true to the maritime tradition.
The Costa Concordia
The Costa Concordia capsized in 2012, making headlines around the world. Images of the vessel on its side in shallow water were seen around the world. Also in the news, but not for the best, was Captain Francesco Schettino. The Captain made his own way off the boat while the crew and passengers searched for safety.
Now, this catastrophe was not on the Titanic’s scale. However, that didn’t make it any less serious. The ship’s sinking actually caused 32 deaths. Many believed it to be a clear breach of duty for the captain to depart while people were still in danger.
For his part in the incident, Schettino received a 16-year prison term three years later. That was for crimes including manslaughter. A ship’s passengers could still be on board, so that was another aspect of it. For the crime of abandoning ship, he received a 16-year sentence that included one year.
The Infamous Case of Captain Lee Joon-seok
The MV Sewol ferry departed from Incheon, South Korea, in April 2014. On its way to Jeju, it departed. Over 13 hours would be needed to complete the 264-mile journey. There were over 450 passengers on board, including 325 high school students on a field trip. The boat was 18 years old, in poor shape, and had been imported from Japan.
It was retrofitted illegally in Korea to include more space for passengers and cargo. From just 239 tons to an astounding 6,825 tons, its gross tonnage changed. From 116 to 956 passengers could now be accommodated. The ship was known to be imbalanced with a shifted center of gravity. However, in order for it to be certified as safe, documents were forged.
A fog warning had been issued the morning the Sewol sank. The boat was given a 987-ton maximum cargo allowance. There were 2142 tons on board. Even the ballast from the previous voyage had not been adjusted.
A replacement captain with a one-year contract was Lee Joon-Seok. The previous captain had complained that the vessel needed repairs. Despite promising to look into it, the company never did. They had a $2 annual budget for safety training, it was later discovered. On a paper certificate, they used the money.
The Sewol went down around nine in the morning. The ferry began to list to the starboard as they were navigating a channel. The pilot made note that the steering was not responding. Attempts to compensate made it worse and the cargo rapidly shifted. The boat dipped and began to fill with water as a result of the shift.
When the power was cut, the boat kept listing. The passengers were instructed to stay put during a call that was made over the intercom. The warning was once more broadcast as water began to fill the passenger quarters. Captain Joon-Seok then took an unprecedented action. He personally instructed the crowd to remain put. He left the ship after that.
The crew or the captain did not make the initial emergency call. Help was requested by one of the high school students. Three minutes later the crew called for help. Even as the boat sank, it was local fishing ships that arrived to save the fleeing passengers.
The captain didn’t order the passengers to leave the ship until more than 30 minutes had passed. Nobody is aware of any passengers receiving that order. The ferry sank after 2.5 hours. Despite that, 304 passengers died, including 250 of the students. The captain was the first person to be rescued, along with several crew members.
A captain is required to stay on board during a disaster, according to South Korean law. The Captain’s cowardly actions violated tradition and established law. He received the appropriate punishment. His actions would have been abhorrent if he had just jumped ship. He forced people to remain in their current positions instead. The children who remained were listening to an adult. A large number of them never even left their rooms. They would have been caught until it was too late to do anything. Most of the ship’s life rafts were still securely stowed on board.
Due to his negligence, the captain received a 36-year sentence. He was cleared of charges of murder at the time. Later, an appeals court upheld the murder conviction, and he was sentenced to life in prison.

Ships in Wartime
A civilian’s duties are different from those of a naval captain. This would be on the same level as official charges and deserting. This includes a court martial and probably a dishonorable discharge. Of course, there are exceptions. It would be reasonable for a captain to run aground if it were part of a larger scheme to save the ship.
The crew has been saved by some captains who went above and beyond. The Second World War produced one of the most amazing. An attack by a Japanese gunboat was launched against Commander Gilmore of the USS Growler. The submarine was on the surface when it came under fire. Gilmore and several others were shot.
Gilmore gave the order to go below after realizing that his crew would perish if he didn’t take action. He continued to stand on the deck despite being seriously hurt and gave the order to submerge. The crew shut the hatch, and the submarine dove. It was the last time Gilmore was ever seen. However, he left them without a captain in the process of saving his crew. As a result of his exceptional bravery, Gilmore received the Medal of Honor.
Beyond the Maritime
The tradition of not abandoning ship goes out of the water as well. Captain Richard Ogg proved this in 1956. Captain Ogg was the pilot of Pan Am Flight 6 which suffered multiple engine failures. Pacific Ocean was the site of the aircraft’s crash. Ogg remained on board to assist in organizing the evacuation of passengers and crew. Every passenger, including Ogg, was saved by a Coast Guard vessel.
A captain sinking with the ship, metaphorically, can be anywhere. It entails sticking with a decision even if it results in long-term suffering for you. It also means that you are ultimately accountable to others as well as to yourself.
These days, the phrase appears more frequently in business than anywhere else. There is always someone to blame when a business makes a bad choice or suffers as a result of outside factors. In these situations, the boss frequently sinks with the ship.
What If You’re a Captain of Your Own Boat?
Let’s imagine that you and a few friends are out on the water in your bass boat. It is yours, and you are accountable for it. Unless you’ve given that duty to another person and everyone has acknowledged it. You are ultimately responsible, even if someone else is operating the vehicle. You are still liable if someone has an accident on your boat.
But let’s assume you’re in charge for the time being. Most people will refer to you as a boat owner or operator. Usually only those who have earned the rank of captain are eligible to hold it. In America, you are referred to legally as a licensed boat operator.
If you want, you can refer to yourself as the boat’s captain. You are free to use any title you like, such as Master or Commander. Legally, however, a captain is a title you have to acquire, not just give yourself. These are semantics, though, on the water. As the boat operator, you are still responsible for the boat and the people on it.
As a legal operator, there are duties you should perform. These are for your benefit, the benefit of other boaters, and the benefit of your crew and passengers. Your crew and passengers must legally be informed of the fundamental safety procedures on the boat. This needs to be discussed with them.
- Passengers on your boat need to know where the safety equipment is. This includes fire extinguishers and personal flotation devices. There is a need to draw attention to visual cues like flares. It’s important to mention a water pump or bailer. Make certain they are also aware of the location of the first aid kit.
- Every passenger needs access to a PFD. Additionally, it must fit them.
- Every traveler needs to be aware of the requirements for wearing a life jacket. We recommend that everyone wear one at all times on board. The only requirement set forth by law is that they simply have easy access. Inform your passengers when to put one on. This could be in case of rough currents or bad weather.
- Talk about the fundamental steps they must take. That entails guidelines for conduct, particularly careless conduct. Another point is that waste should not be dumped or thrown away. Basic boating etiquette should be understood by all boaters and passengers. That entails taking precautions like reducing wake near other boats. Keeping the volume down while at an anchorage, for example.
- Explain to passengers how any gear or cargo should be handled. This includes loading it, bringing it on board, and stowing it.
- Explain the fundamental sign-up processes. Some people, particularly young children, should be able to maneuver the ship safely. Explain where people can sit and how they should move from one side of the boat to the other.
- At least one passenger or crew member should know how to use the VHF radio for calling for assistance. Describe how to place a Mayday call.
- what to do with the anchor. This includes drawing it in or throwing it out.
- Your passengers need to understand emergency procedures in case of an emergency. This covers what to do in a man overboard scenario. Also things like fire or a collision. Before you leave, distribute roles. Before you leave, everyone should be aware of their responsibilities. This lessens confusion in an emergency. Often you have little time to react on the water, so this is important. If you become unable to function in some way, someone else should be able to step in. That might only be the bare minimum necessary to get you and others to safety. The boat should be safely operated by at least one of the passengers.
- This is not at all a legal requirement; these are personal rules. It’s still your responsibility, though, since you’re in charge. If you don’t want people to drink on your boat, say so. The same goes if you want to restrict anything else, such as loud music or smoking. You set the tone and people should respect your position.
You have obligations, just like the captain of a cruise ship or a naval vessel. Regarding the passengers, you are accountable. It’s the same as if you were operating a vehicle. It is your responsibility if your carelessness results in injuries to other motorists or your own passengers. Boats are basically considered tools in the eyes of the law. It is a chainsaw, a car, and fireworks. If you don’t treat it with care and it’s yours, you’ll be held accountable for any misuse.
In terms of people, you just need to be aware of your crew at all times. Make sure they are abiding by the rules. You must also take appropriate action to ensure their safety in case of emergency. Simple logic underlies this. You assumed responsibility for them when you extended an invitation to these individuals to board your boat.
How to Abandon Ship
Despite the way it sounds, you can’t just yell “abandon ship” and jump overboard. This is especially accurate for bigger ships. There are steps that need to be taken.
Procedures can start if it has been decided that leaving the ship is the only option. The order to abandon the ship should be communicated to the watch engineer by the captain. The command may then be delivered over the ship’s extensive PA system. This is a simple “abandon ship” command. It can be repeated over the PA and should be followed by all crew and passengers immediately. Since it is a verbal command, everyone understands what it means. Six brief blasts are followed by one long blast as the signal to abandon ship. Use the ship’s whistle or horn to signal for help. Sometimes, a general alarm is thought to be this signal. The verbal order must also be given, for this reason.
The captain can now make a distress call. In a situation like this, the order to abandon ship should be given prior to a distress call. But occasionally the opposite may occur. A distress call might be made first if the situation does not appear to be dire right away. Then, as things get worse, it might be clear that an order to abandon ship is required. To alert rescuers, the captain should also issue a distress call if this is the case.
A distress call can be made over the radio. There should also be use of visual distress signals. It is possible to fire things like flares. All of these are crucial in guiding rescuers to the ship.
It is advisable to turn on the EPIRB. The acronym for this is Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon. Finding the boat will be made easier thanks to this. The lifeboats ought to be equipped with a Search and Rescue Transponder as well. These, along with visual signals, are crucial for rescue. The reason so many signals are given is that it can be extremely hard to find a vessel. A ship at sea in bad weather is a needle in a haystack. The window of opportunity to find it is small if it’s sinking. It may be completely sunk by the time rescuers arrive. To help save lives, these signals are required. Additionally, not all signals will always be given. People tend to forget some things when things are frantic.
Passengers should now be helped onto life rafts by the captain and crew. A personal flotation device ought to be provided for each person. The captain should, if at all possible, keep track of who is jumping ship. This can later be compared to the manifest.
Any paperwork or logs can now be gathered by the captain. In this instance, it will merely be necessary for any future accident investigation. If there is time, only this should be done. The crew and passengers are given top priority. Every person should be off the boat before this is done.
The Mayday can be put to rest once everyone has safely exited the ship. To alert rescue teams or emergency crews, the captain must communicate. They need to explain why the ship was abandoned. At this point, they ought to count the number of people. They should then inform the authorities of the number of survivors.
The captain will be required to submit a report after the rescue operation is complete. That is how everything ought to operate. Undoubtedly, plans do not always work out in situations involving life or death. Sometimes, the best you can must be sufficient. The concern for things like logs and records can wait until after efforts have been made to save lives.
The Bottom Line
There are many responsibilities that come with being a ship’s captain. They must be aware of the ship, its cargo, its crew, and other cruising vessels. Any damage to any of those things shall be the responsibility of the captain. To ensure that everyone and everything arrives at shore intact, every effort must be made.
During a disaster, the captain is the last line of defense. They are the oasis in the chaos. The captain is in charge, and everyone else looks to them for direction. In many ways, it can be a heroic role. It puts a person’s character to the test. As we’ve seen, not everyone is capable of doing the job.
For the sake of the ship’s crew as a whole, the captain sinks with it. The aim is to prevent anyone else from sinking with the ship. The ship will be lost if everything goes according to plan, but everyone’s life will be preserved. The captain ought to have taken all reasonable precautions in case things don’t work out. It’s about doing everything you can to make a difference in the lives of others. It is essentially a principle that was codified.
Hopefully everyone complies with the rules and pays attention to safety precautions. If that’s the case you’ll never have to experience how this works for yourself.