Have you ever wondered how white canvas on boats manages to stay pristine? These materials aren’t exposed to all the elements? It’s not completely white, as you can see if you look closely. On boat tops, where bird droppings may also be present, mildew thrives. Most likely, you’ve seen a lot of tutorials on how to use bleach. However, wait a little while before using it because rushing it could cause more harm than good to your canvas boat covers. So use a pressure washer or a soft brush instead of bleach.
The most effective method for removing mildew from your boat is vinegar. White vinegar works well as a mold remover without bleach if you don’t want to use it to clean your boat canvas.
How To Remove Mildew From Boat Canvas
Make a solution by mixing equal parts water and white vinegar. I always buy the cheapest gallon of vinegar I can find, regardless of the brand.
Instead of using water, you could use pure white vinegar. I’ve been known to soak down a canvas with vinegar after pumping it into a sprayer. Apply it in a circular motion, allow it to sit for up to an hour, and make an effort to keep it moist at all times.
To help keep the vinegar moist and on the mildew stains, if it begins to dry, I will mist it with a garden hose. I agitate the canvas with a soft scrub brush after it has been left for that long in order to remove the mildew. Then I flood it with a ton of fresh water.
Remove the canopy
If at all possible, take the fabric out of the boat. You can easily reach every area of the fabric if it is on the ground, and you can scrub it more vigorously without harming it.
This is also a great opportunity to check the canopy’s hardware and clean any railings that support it.
Putting a tarp under the canvas to protect it while you scrub might be a good idea, depending on where you’re doing it.
The canopy doesn’t need to be taken off to perform a quick cleaning.
Remove loose debris and hose down the canopy
When the dirt can simply be pushed off the fabric, there is no point in scrubbing it away. Here is the method I advise using to accomplish this.
Scrub the vinyl or canvas

It’s time to get to work, but first, make sure you’re using a soap that won’t harm the fabric or the environment.
Rinse the canopy down
You now need to rinse out the entire amount of soap that was just absorbed by the fabric. A garden hose and some patience are all that is required.
Because soapy residues can attract dirt and make your fabric look dingy, it’s crucial to make sure all the soap is rinsed out of the fabric.
Get tougher on the stains and mildew
There are times when a straightforward cleaning is sufficient to get rid of any stains or mildew, but this isn’t always the case. You must use a cleaner on the affected area if a stain or mildew still exists after cleaning.
What Is The Most Effective Way To Clean Mildew From Boat Seats?
When it comes to vinyl boat seats, mildew is a real challenge to clean. But by making plans and being well-prepared, you can avoid this. Instead of using chemicals that could damage it, you could spray a mildew stain remover on the affected area. After waiting five minutes, lightly scrub the area with soft brushes to remove any remaining mold and dirt. After that, have a microfiber cloth used to wipe it down.
The method described above is the most effective and is likely to produce excellent results when used to remove mildew from vinyl seats. To protect your vinyl, fabric, and upholstered seats from harm, let’s go into more detail.
Will The Smell Of Vinegar Linger After The Canvas Has Dried?
No, after rinsing and drying the canvas after using white vinegar to remove mildew, the canvas won’t smell like vinegar. There is no smell left after the vinegar has dried completely.
If you’re still worried, add some Woolite or another mild soap to the mixture, as was mentioned earlier, to give the canvas a little bit of a fresh scent. However, doing so is entirely optional.
Mildew is undoubtedly a pain and an eyesore on a boat. Each of us is very proud of how well-kept and presentable our boats are.
When I use any of the methods mentioned above, especially the bleach formula, I’m always amazed at how even vinyl or canvas that I thought was clean still looks better after I’ve cleaned the boat with the solution.