It’s incredible that such enormous cruise ships don’t just fall to the bottom of the sea. How do these massive ships stay afloat with everything from ice skating rinks and swimming pools to basketball courts, spas, mini-malls, and movie theaters onboard? They accomplish this by combining buoyancy, water displacement, materials, and design.
Cruise Ships Float For What Reason?
This issue’s resolution has been under discussion for many years. According to the most popular theory, their size-related buoyancy is what causes them to float. Why, though, would you want a large ship if it floats on water? Why not simply reduce their size to accommodate more people inside? In any case, you can stop worrying about that now! Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines has created floating dry docks as a brilliant solution to this issue.
How Do Cruise Ships Stay Afloat?
Ships are made to move the same amount of water that their own mass does. At the same time, the force of the ocean pushing up against the ship’s hull balances the weight of the craft’s downward force. The ship is kept afloat or “Buoyant” by the combined forces of its own downward force and the ocean’s upward force.”
This fundamental concept is frequently referred to as Archimedes’ Principle. When the weight of the water displaced equals the weight of the object, the object floats, according to this principle. When the amount displaced is equal to the force pushing back on it from the fluid, the object floats.
Here’s another angle to consider it from. Water is displaced out and down when a cruise ship is submerged to make room for itself. In an effort to reclaim the area that the cruise ship has taken over, the water reacts by pushing up and in. The ship floats because of the harmony between these competing forces.
The Science Behind It
Now that you are familiar with the fundamentals, let’s explore some of the science involved in how cruise ships float.
Object Density And Floatation
Generally speaking, when an object has a lower average density than water, it will float.
The mass of an object divided by its overall volume is referred to as its average density.
When an object’s density is lower than the density of water, the ship floats because gravity’s pull on the object is greater than the upward force generated by the liquid.
The lower density of oil makes it float. Lead sinks, however, due to their higher density.
Due to the significant air volume inside the hull, cruise ships can float because their average density is lower than that of water.
Principle Of Buoyancy
According to the buoyancy principle, anything submerged in a liquid experiences an upward force.
The object floats when the upward force is greater than the gravitational force. The object sinks if the gravitational force is greater than the upward force generated by the liquid.
Consider a submarine as the best metaphor for understanding buoyancy.
In their ballast tanks, submarines can store either water or air. When the air tanks are fully inflated, the sub is positively buoyant. As air and water have different densities, the submarine can float because of this.
The submarine sinks when its tanks are filled with water. This is due to the fact that the water in the tanks is unable to make up for the steel’s weight and density. Negative buoyancy is the property of sinking objects.
To prevent the submarine from rising or sinking, the ballasts can be filled with a sufficient amount of water and air. The submarine’s buoyancy is neutral in this situation.
Boats don’t function the same way as submarines. Although they don’t completely float either, ships don’t sink either.
A large portion of the ship is submerged in the water, even though the majority of it is above the surface. The weight of a ship and the weight it carries—such as passengers, crew, cargo, furniture, food, etc.—determine how far it sinks.
Naval architects must determine how much weight a ship can carry without approaching the point of negative buoyancy in order to make sure it floats.
This calculation is a result of the Archimedes principle.

Archimedes’ Principle
The Archimedes Principle, according to NASA, states that the buoyant force on an object submerged in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid that is displaced by the object.”
Alternatively stated, an object resting in water experiences an upward force equal to the weight of the water it pushes aside (displaces). If the ship is too heavy, the water it displaces will never equal its weight, and it will sink.
A submerged object is lighter than it would be on land due to the buoyant force.
As long as they can move an equivalent volume of water to their mass, cruise ships can float.
The ship floats due to the pressure of the ocean pushing up against its hull.
Fun fact: Ships float lower in rivers and lakes than in the ocean because freshwater has a lower density than salt water.
Ship Design And Floating
An important factor is a ship’s structure and design. The displacement capacity of cruise ships is equal to their weight in volume.
The hull is the most significant feature of the design. Usually made of steel, the hull is a hollowed-out shell.
It is less dense than water because the hollowed-out shells have enough air inside them to reduce the average density of the vessel.
Moreover, lighter materials, like aluminum, are used on the upper decks rather than heavier ones, like steel, which is primarily used on the lower decks. Cruise ships don’t tip over because of the materials used, which also helps to keep the ship lightweight.
The displacement of water is significantly influenced by the hull’s shape. Large cruise ships have U-shaped hulls. Because of the design, there is more water displacement and it can flow away from the vessel.
Additionally, the round-bottom hulls lessen drag and give passengers a more stable ride, both of which help prevent seasickness.
Not only that, though. The weight of the engines, people, crew, cargo, and other factors must also be taken into account by naval architects. To float, the ship’s combined density and the density of everything it is carrying must be less than that of water.
You may have noticed ship markings near the water’s edge. The Plimsoll line is the name of the marking, which honors its creator Samuel Plimsoll.
The “Plimsoll line” is a reference mark on a ship’s hull that, according to the National Ocean Service, shows the deepest point to which the ship can be safely submerged while carrying cargo. “
The depth varies according to the ship’s design, size, cargo type, water densities, and season.
Additional Factors Which Support Buoyancy
There are a number of additional factors that assist cruise ships in staying on the water’s surface in addition to buoyancy and displacement.
Materials And Design
A ship needs to be made of lightweight, strong materials that are denser than water to be buoyant, like extra-strength steel. Additionally, the design of those lightweight materials must enable them to displace their weight in water before submerging. The majority of that design is used in the hull, the ship’s body or shell, which sits below the main deck and pushes the water out of the way so the boat can float.
Engineers have discovered that making the hull rounded, wide, and deeply helps distribute the weight of the ship across the body of the ship through years of trial and error. The hulls of large cruise ships are shaped like the letter “U.” This design disperses drag, makes for a smooth ride, allows water to flow away from the vessel, and aids in keeping the boat on course.
Double Hulls And Other Safety Features
A cruise liner’s hull design must shield the occupants from hazards like icebergs, reefs, and sandbars that could tear the ship’s outer layers apart in addition to keeping the ship afloat and enabling smooth sailing. Shipbuilders typically use extra-strength steel and construct their ships with double hulls (meaning one hull inside the other) as an extra precaution to prevent a major catastrophe.
Bulkheads are another feature of cruise ships that can keep them afloat in the event of significant damage. These shut-off partitions, which are positioned all through a ship’s interior, can stop water from pouring in through a hole in the hull. In the end, limiting the water inflow can prevent the ship from flooding and sinking.
Cruise ships have excellent stabilizing features. It’s actually uncommon for passengers to experience or feel side-to-side motion on these vessels because they are so expertly constructed. Despite being so big and heavy, cruise ships never capsize.
It can be quite fascinating to watch a big cruise ship move gracefully through a calm, blue ocean. Learning how these modern wonders are able to float on water is even more amazing. The combination of scientific ideas and engineering is what really makes cruise ships float.
Cruise ships were designed with durability in mind as well as with consideration of physics. No ship is impervious to destruction, as we discovered many years ago (remember the Titanic?), engineers have learned how best to protect passengers on board. This enables the cruise ship to be safe while gracefully gliding through even the most turbulent waters without capsizing.
Although it appears to move without effort, a lot of engineering is going on below the surface to keep it afloat.